New mobile subscription offering unlimited data

(Fornebu, 4 June 2020) Norwegians are keen mobile users, and figures from Telenor show that data consumption has increased by an average of 28 per cent over the last three years. Telenor only expects this increase to continue – especially following the launch of 5G. This is why Telenor is launching Next – a brand new mobile subscription offering unlimited data.
In a survey conducted by Kantar on behalf of Telenor, 46 per cent of respondents said that unlimited data would become an essential issue once 5G is made available.
‘We are now launching a subscription suited to the mobile user of the future. With Next, you’ll have the freedom to use your mobile exactly how you want to. You’ll receive unlimited data, and you’ll be able to choose the speed you prefer in your mobile subscription. From now on, you’ll never have to give data a moment’s thought,’ says Ric Brown, Telenor Norway’s Mobile Director.
The first mobile subscription based solely on speed
The vast majority of Norwegian consumers choose their mobile subscription based on their levels of data usage. In order to accommodate the huge need for data in the population as a whole, Telenor is now launching a mobile subscription that offers unlimited data usage. Next is also the very first mobile subscription in Norway to be priced exclusively based on speed, rather than data allowance.
‘Over the last three years, mobile data consumption has increased by an average of 28 per cent. Next allows you to use as much data as you want, and you can choose from one of three different speeds for your subscription. Regardless of which speed you choose, you’ll always have enough data to fill your day with all the episodes, video calls or mobile games that you’d like,’ says Brown.
Your choice of speed determines the price of the subscription.
‘Next allows you to choose between the following categories –normal, fast, or maximum. These three categories offer speeds of up to 10 Mbit/s, 100 Mbit/s and 300 Mbit/s respectively over 4G. After you have spent 100 GB of mobile data, the speed is automatically reduced to 3 Mbit/s. You will of course be able to combine Next with a Data-SIM,’ says Brown.
The 300 Mbit/s speed offered over 4G as part of the maximum package is not a limitation – in practice, this category offers unlimited speed. If you have a 5G device and are connected to Telenor’s 5G network, you will experience much faster speeds.
Ric Brown, Telenor Norway's Mobile Director, and June Solbekk, Telenor Norway's Market Director, launched Next during a press conference today. Photo: Martin Fjellanger.
Three benefits included in all new mobile subscriptions
In addition to launching a new mobile subscription, Telenor is also changing its full existing range of subscriptions. Some subscription packages will be discontinued, while new, more innovative options will be added. From now on, there will also be more benefits associated with each individual subscription – to the joy of all Telenor customers.
‘We are in the process of rapid expansion in terms of the digitalisation of society, which means there are greater needs and new challenges – particularly in terms of online security. This is why all new subscriptions from today will include three benefits – Nettvern, Min Sky and Se Hvem. These benefits will provide you with increased safety and a better overview, and will ensure that you don’t have to worry about virus-infected websites, photo storage or unknown numbers. As with all our subscriptions, you’ll also receive world class coverage wherever you happen to be,’ says Brown.
Nettvern is a filter in Telenor’s network, which issues a warning if you are about to visit a virus-infected or fraudulent website.. Min Sky stores and backs up your pictures in the cloud – and provides all Telenor customers with unlimited storage. Se Hvem provides you with all of Norway in one contact list and ensures that you have full control over unknown numbers.
Telenor is also launching Yng Next so that people aged 18 to 28 years old can also enjoy unlimited data on their mobiles. This subscription will also offer the categories of normal, fast and maximum. In addition, Yng Next will offer you three Goodies, as well as all the other existing Yng benefits: Nettslett; Music Freedom; and SWAP Pluss.
This is Next
- Next is a brand new mobile subscription offering unlimited data – designed for the future. The subscription includes three different speeds and this is what determines the overall package price.
- The three speed categories are normal (speeds of up to 10 Mbit/s), fast (speeds of up to 100 Mbit/s) and maximum (speeds of up to 300 Mbit/s).
- Once you have used 100 GB of mobile data, the speed on your subscription will be automatically limited to 3 Mbit/s. If you want to boost your speed back to the original level, you can buy a speed reload for 24 hours or for the rest of the month.
- If you are travelling outside of Norway but within the EU/EEA, there are no other data restrictions. The speed distinction is not applicable when in the EU/EEA, and your speed will be determined by the local operator.
- Next also includes three benefits – Nettvern, Min Sky and Se Hvem.
These are the key changes to Telenor Norway’s range of subscriptions:
- The mobile subscriptions Trygg, Medium and Fleksi have been discontinued and are replaced by Original and Next.
- The Original subscription package allows you to choose from 1GB, 3GB, 4GB, 6GB or 12 GB of data. If you require more data than this, you will be transferred automatically to Next.
- The mobile subscription Yng remains available and you can choose from 4GB, 6GB, 8GB or 12GB of data.
- You can also select Yng Next, which includes unlimited data and is priced based on your chosen speed. This subscription also includes a range of Goodies – these benefits are available to all subscribers aged 18 to 28 years old.
Telenor’s survey
- The survey was carried out by Kantar on behalf of Telenor.
- The survey findings were based on interviews with 1,048 respondents.
- The results are considered representative of the Norwegian population over the age of 15 years old.
- Survey fieldwork period: 8-15 May 2020.